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Around The Campfire

Around The Campfire

Roast yourself a marshmallow and join comedian Alissia Marsh and friendly fellow Chrimbo every week as they get together to trade campfire tales and good news.

Episodes you may like:
We're here we made it

We're here, we made it. Talking all things car and bike problems.

Wingin' It

In lieu of a prepared topic, Alissia and Chrimbo attempt to just discuss whatever springs to mind, to mixed results. Also, how to fall in love/how not to trick somebody into falling in love with you.

Good lovin'

In preparation for Valentine's day, Alissia and Chrimbo attempt to plumb the depths of their romantic pasts to find some positive stories about the lovers they've left behind. Will they be successful? Tune in to find ou- NAH I'll just tell you; they won't. Oughta be funny though!