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Business Shakers

Business Shakers

Business Shakers is here every Sunday to bring you the latest tips, tool and business insider information. So that you can get through the BS of running your business.

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All things pets

Speaking with different businesses owners shows that all businesses can vary is size and type. This week’s episode we are joined by one Perth’s best vetenarian, as we dive into the world of pet ownership and service specialities. How is your business standing out from the rest? Dr Heinrich Van Niekerk from Hilton Vet Hospital talks about niche specialties and all things pets.

Running your own business

The journey of running your own business can be both a fun and a daunting adventure. This week I dive into the depths of this journey of mixed emotions, with the stepping stones from two individual business perspectives. Examining the experiences of how a business still in their first year vs a well established entrepreneur, navigate through the information and view points of running a small business. I've spoken with Chettri Cleaning and Right Click Bookkeeping, as we address the startup path of a business.

Marketing and sales

It's time to take your business to the next level. The ying and yang of of sales and marketing, join us as we dive into why you need to step up and beat fear to market your business.