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Business Shakers

Business Shakers

Business Shakers is here every Sunday to bring you the latest tips, tool and business insider information. So that you can get through the BS of running your business.

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All things pets

Speaking with different businesses owners shows that all businesses can vary is size and type. This week’s episode we are joined by one Perth’s best vetenarian, as we dive into the world of pet ownership and service specialities. How is your business standing out from the rest? Dr Heinrich Van Niekerk from Hilton Vet Hospital talks about niche specialties and all things pets.


So you have a new business…. Now what?

Setting out and finding the right education and licences is crucial to ensuring that you are the right person for the job.
Today we are joined by a professional in his field and setting out to change one roof and one building at a time.
Andrew Booth talks with us about legislation, regulations and getting it right the first time.

Nutrition and your business

Pouring from an empty cup. How does nutrition effect your ability to run and operate a business? In today's world of fast paced lifestyles, we dive into the mind of a naturopath to answer how stress levels can be altered with wholesome foods. Beth Klenner, a naturopath joins us to answer business owners questions about how nutrition will be of benefit to run and operate your business. To learn more about Beth Klenner, click the link.